pp108 : Modeling Schedules

Modeling Schedules

This topic presents an overview of the Schedules feature of Process Platform.


In a real-time business environment, the ability to trigger processes or applications based either on specific system responses or at a specific time is a critical requirement. Process Platform facilitates modeling of schedules that can trigger time-based events or processes. Process Platform provides an intuitive UI-based schedule modeler, enabling you to model different kinds of schedules and integrate them into your applications.
Schedules are broadly of two kinds:

  • One-time schedule, which is executed only once
  • Repeating schedule, which is triggered at specified periodic intervals

    Types of Schedules

Process Platform facilitates very fine-grained scheduling of events, ranging from annual to hourly recurrences. The various kinds of schedules supported by Process Platform are listed in the following table:

Category Type of Schedule Description
One-time Schedules Run Now Once created, these schedules are instantly executed.
Duration These schedules can be set to execute after a specified duration.
Repeating Schedules Hourly These schedules can be set to recur at a specified time every hour.
Daily These schedules can be set to recur at a specified time every day.
Weekly These schedules can be set to recur at a specified time every week.
Monthly These schedules can be set to recur at a specified day every month.
First Day of Month These schedules can be set to recur at a specified time on the first day of every month.
Last Day of Month These schedules can be set to recur at a specified time on the last day of every month.
First Week Day of Month These schedules can be set to recur at a specified time on the first week day of every month.
Last Week Day of Month These schedules can be set to recur at a specified time on the last week day of every month.
Fortnightly These schedules can be set to recur at a specified time every 15th day.

This section covers the procedures in creating and managing the following: